As we suspected SodaStream Was Recently Purchases By PepsiCo. Why Would They Do That?

The big soda makers, including Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, are quaking in their boots according to market experts. That’s because millions of people around the world are cutting them out of the loop and making their own sodas and carbonated beverages at home.

The availability and convenience of SodaStream’s at-home soda making machines are allowing the company to completely turn the soft drinks industry on its head. And now other companies are getting into the game, including iSi (makers of the “Twist and Sparkle” device), Esio, and Primo Water (makers of the new Flavorstation machine).

The benefits and advantages of owning a home soda maker are pretty big and are giving Coke and Pepsi a lot to worry about. They include:

1. They’re now easy to find — Many big retailers now carry SodaStream machines, flavorings, and other products.

2. They’re easy to use — The newest home soda making devices are extremely easy to use. In fact, even kids can learn to use them with ease!

3. They save you money — Brand-name sodas and soft drinks are not cheap by any means, especially if your family consumes a lot of them. Even with the cost of the machine, CO2 gas canisters, and flavorings included you will save a lot of money over time by making your own carbonated drinks at home.

4. They give you healthier soda — SodaStream sodas are, in general, much healthier with fewer calories, less sugar, and no high-fructose corn syrup added. You can of course add as much or as little flavor as you want so you can customize your sodas to your own tastes.

5. No lugging heavy bottles — Not having to carry heavy soda bottles and cans from the store to your home is a HUGE benefit and makes the SodaStream and the other new home soda machines a big threat to the current rulers of the soft drink industry.

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